Tino Paiolo

• Dairy products

"Tino Paiolo" is a mountain dairy in Vallegrana that has been producing excellent cheeses for over 100 years.

The peculiarity of "Tino Paiolo" is that they are breeders, cheesemakers and refiners together, which allows them to scrupulously follow all the stages of the process.

The production chain follows a linear path from the stables to the refining caves.

Animal welfare, traditional techniques and the uniqueness of the maturing environments are essential elements of the production ecosystem.

The breeding farm boasts around 300 cows, heifers and calves, mainly of the "Bruna Alpina" breed and eating only fresh food and grassy pastures.

"Tino Paiolo" bestsellers are "Muretino", "Piramidino", "Castelmagno", "Bra Duro", "Bra Tenero", "Raschera" and "Toma Piemontese".


  • Dairy Products

When give their best

  • Aperitivo
  • Lunch
  • Dinner

The perfect match

Each recipe has its own "Tino Paiolo" cheese: "Muretino" for quiche, "Piramidino" melted on the grill, "Modì" grated on first courses, "Castelmagno" melted with gnocchi, "Toma Piemontese" to cream risottos and "Bra Tenero" with polenta.


  • BRC
  • IFS


  • DOP


Tino Paiolo
Borgata Marobert, 3
12020 Monterosso Grana (CN)

25/11/2021 - 15:51

Aggiornato il: 25/11/2021 - 15:51